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AZAROV Vadim K., Ph. D. in Eng. Business Planning Center Department Head

GAYSIN Sergey V., Engineer, Chief Executive Officer, FSUE "NAMI", Moscow, Russia

KUTENEV Vadim F., D. Sc. in Eng., Prof. Expert Council Chairman, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, FSUE "NAMI", Moscow, Russia, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2016 Issue 3 Pages 15-20
Type of article RAR Index UDK 629.113. Index BBK  

The article analyzes problematic issues of the current situation with city air pollution by harmful substances produced by motor vehicles and the situation with the legislative normalization and control over these emissions by the International UN Regulations. The article addresses the new problem of city air pollution by suspended particles smaller than 10 microns due to increasing emissions from deterioration or wear of tires and roadbed. Thearticle contains a comparative analysis of the current and expected volumes of emission of harmful substances with exhaust gases, emission of harmful particulate matters due to wear of motor vehicle tires and brake gears and emission of harmful particulate matters due to roadbed wear depending on the vehicle traffic density by the example of the city of Moscow. It sets forth the materials, which convincingly demonstrate a new environmental problem, which is not being addressed yet, the problem of city air pollution by increasing emission of suspended particulate matters smaller than 10 microns due to wear of tires and roadbed which are highly dangerous for the urban population health. The article justifies the necessity of urgent development of specific standards for these additional emission sources from vehicles and naturally from the main source of emission of particulate matters, from the roadbed, within both national and international UN Regulations. It also justifies the necessity of a motor vehicle design and operational safety integrated assessment procedure development.


UN Regulations, normalization of particulate matters, wear of tires and roadbed

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