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Demidov Alexey A., Cand. Techn. Sc. Project Director “Diesel Engine” SSC

Nadareyshvili Givi G., Cand. Techn. Sc. Head of the Department “Antitoxic and Noise Reduction Systems” SSC, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., FSUE “NAMI”, Moscow, Russia

Titchenko Andrey Yu. General Director LLC “NTC MSP”, Moscow, Russia

Year 2015 Issue 3 Pages 42-46
Type of article RAR Index UDK 621.436 Index BBK  

Reduction of toxic components in the exhaust gas of diesel engines to the level of the requirements of Euro 6 is a socially important and technically complex problem. The problem of optimal dosing of the urea solution and release free ammonia exception beyond neutralization system is very important when designing a system for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides of the diesel engine. In this study, the analysis of the test results of complex system of neutralization of the diesel engine and evaluated the possibility of measuring free ammonia nitrogen oxide sensors. Obtained by the sensor correlation of nitric oxide in presence of free ammonia with the influence of temperature. Implementing the results for the system controlling the supply of urea will simplify the structure of the system, exclude the additional oxidation catalyst (AMOX - catalyst) and make possible to use the sensor signals in the OBD.


diesel engine, exhaust, nitrogen oxides, neutralization system, urea, ammonia, hydrolysis, pyrolysis, oxidation, reduction, the catalyst

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