
TOLSTOY Aliaksandr V., Ph. D. in Phys. and Math., Assoc. Prof., Deputy Head of Laboratory Metallurgy in Mechanical Engineering of the R&D Center “Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Processing Equipment”, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2023
Issue 2(63)
Pages 75–89
Type of article RAR
Index UDK 669.1
DOI https://doi.org/10.46864/1995-0470-2023-2-63-75-89
Abstract The main results of the implementation of the tasks of the subprogram “Metallurgy” of the State Research Program “Mechanics, Metallurgy, Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering”, 2021–2025, with an applied orientation are presented, which are obtained by the organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus. Their contribution to the solution of practical problems is shown. In the field of metallurgy of iron-carbon alloys, a range of new grades of steels for large gears and large castings of supporting systems of machines are developed. Distinctive features of the developed steels are the possibility to obtain higher hardness values of the hardened layer and teeth of cemented gears compared with counterparts from serial steels. A new sparingly alloyed steel for gearboxes of tractors BELARUS has been developed. The steel is characterized by high hardenability of cemented layer. In the field of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and alloys, theoretical and technological bases for production of complex configuration castings are developed. Application of these castings improves the dimensional accuracy of products. In the field of hardening of steels and alloys, the technology of coating formation on the working surfaces of metallurgical and foundry equipment parts by mechanical cladding with flexible tool is developed. The coatings provide 1.9 times higher durability of mold parts by compared to the parts without coatings. The technological process of induction cladding on the surfaces of friction nodes parts of wear-resistant antifriction coatings is developed. The service life of bimetallic parts with coatings is 1.25–1.33 times higher than that of serial parts. Physico-chemical principles of creation of aluminomatrix composites were developed on the basis of micro- and ultradispersed oxide powders. This provided a 5-fold increase in tribomechanical properties. In the field of metal forming, the strategy of ring rolling is developed as applied to the nomenclature of rings of the Belarusian enterprises. Technological substantiation is performed for reducing deformations and residual stresses after heat treatment of low-rigid parts such as discs using dynamic stabilization based on alternating cyclic loading.
Keywords metallurgy, casting, chemical heat treatment, surface hardening, pressure treatment
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