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Shilko S.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Head of the Department "Mechanics of adaptive materials and biomechanics", Institute of Mechanics of Metal and polymer Systems n.a. V.A. Belyi of the NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Republic of Belarus, shilko_mpri @

pleskachevsky Yu.M., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Chairman of the presidium of the Gomel Branch of the NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

panin S.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Strength physics and Materials Science SB of the RAS, Tomsk, Russia

Lukshin B.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of polymer Composite Materials, Institute of Strength physics and Materials Science of the SB of the RAS, Tomsk, Russia

Year 2012 Issue 3-4 pages 149-157
Type of article RAR Index UDK 539.3; 531/534:57 Index BBK  

prospects and results of author’s studies in an actual and interdisciplinary research suxh as computer design of functional polymeric composites with disperse and fibrous fillers are considered. Modern views on mechanisms of deforming, friction and destruction of polymers, as well as achievements of mechanochemistry, biomechanics and nanotechnology are involved.


polymer composites, reinforce, strength, deformability, mesomechanics, computer design, machine parts, implants

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