
Title of the article



Algin V.B., D. Sc. in eng., the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk, the Republik of Belarus

Year 2008 Issue 4 Pages 23-32
Type of article RAR Index UDK 681.3.06 Index BBK  

Research guidelines in structure dynamics are examined. The key materials of 7th European Conference on structural dynamics (EURODYN 2008) are used.

Keywords 7th European Conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN 2008
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  • Algin V., Ivanov V., Brennan Michael J. Application of Regular Rotational and Translational Constructs to Vehicle Dynamics Problems. Proc.the 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics. Institute of Sound and Vibration Research; University of Southampton, 2008. 39 p.
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