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Senko V.I., D.Sc. in Eng., the Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel

Galay Ed.I., D.Sc. in Eng., the Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel

Rudov P.K., Ph.D. in Eng., the Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel

Year 2008 Issue 4 Pages 36-39
Type of article RAR Index UDK 629.4.077-592.57 Index BBK  

It was developed a braking system for electric trains equipped with cast iron braking shoes, which allows shortening braking distance at emergency braking. Braking efficiency Increase is provided at the expense of braking force regulation depending on train speed according to calculated force of wheels with rails cohesion change. Analytical dependencies set as the basic of suggested braking model are given. It was made an analysis of ways of change of braking shoes pressing force at speed change. It is given the description of the working principle and operation of braking pressing rapid regulation. The offered braking system is being introduced at motor-carriage depot Minsk. Decrease of braking distance at emergency braking is 15-25 %.

Keywords braking system, electric trains, shortening braking distance, braking shoes
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