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Ryabchenko T.V., the V.A. Belyy Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems of the NAS of Belarus, Gomel

Kovtun V.A., the V.A. Belyy Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems of the NAS of Belarus, Gomel

Pleskachevsky Yu.M., corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus, the A.V. Lykov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk

Year 2008 Issue 4 Pages 58-62
Type of article RAR Index UDK 621.762:539.3 Index BBK  

The deformation processes of metal-polymer copper-polytetrafluoroethylene powder system have been investigated by computer methods. The structural models have been developed, the values of displacements and stresses have been defined. Strain-induced variations in the zones of contact interactions of dispersed components of powder systems are shown under the influence of a distributed compressive load. Microstructural investigation results of metal-polymer powder systems and their composite materials are presented.

Keywords metal-polymer copper-polytetrafluoroethylene powder system, structural models, composite materials
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