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Zhuravkov M.A., The Belarusian State University, Minsk, the Republik of Belarus

Pleskachevsky Yu.M., The A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, the Republik of Belarus

In the section GEOMECHANICS
Year 2008 Issue 2 Pages 85-90
Type of article RAR Index UDK 539.3:622.831:534.1 Index BBK  

There is shown, that force or kinematics influence on elastic deformable environments causing in last wave of deformations, can have a wide range of consequences, down to occurrence of destruction zones of a material in paper. Thus in situations of occurrence of waves of deformations of the large amplitude under certain conditions can result joint or periodic influence of "insignificant" loadings. The examples of the solution of model tasks are given in paper. The prospects of process of controlled influence of waves of deformations on a condition of rigid environments and creation of applied technologies in various areas of the modern mechanics are described.


elastic deformable environments, wide range of consequences, "insignificant" loadings, rigid environments

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