Bibliography |
- Voropaev V.V. Strukturno-morfologicheskie zakonomernosti polucheniya vysokoprochnykh kompozitsionnykh materialov na osnove politetraftoretilena [Structural and morphological patterns of obtaining high-strength composite materials based on polytetrafluoroethylene]. Tezisy dokladov 4 Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov i konstruktsiy” [Abstracts of papers of the 4th All-Russian symposium “Mechanics of composite materials and structures”]. Moscow, 2012, pp. 25–26 (in Russ.).
- Franchak S., Ostrowski K., Lavrenchenko G.K. Uluchshenie kharakteristik i povyshenie nadezhnosti porshnevykh kompressorov, ispolzuemykh v sistemakh proizvodstva tekhnicheskikh gazov [Improvement of the characteristics and increase of reliability of piston compressors which used in systems of manufacture of inductrial gases]. Industrial gases, 2003, no. 4, pp. 2–8. DOI: (in Russ.).
- Makoveeva A.S., Prilutskiy A.I., Prilutskiy A.A., Ganzha V.Yu. Modelirovanie samodeystvuyushchikh mnogoelementnykh klapanov s umensheniem chisla plastin pri analize raboty stupeney porshnevykh kompressorov [Modeling of self-acting multi-element valves with a decrease in the number of plates when analyzing the operation of piston compressor stages]. Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika, 2018, no. 1, pp. 21–26 (in Russ.).
- Seyidahmedov N.S. Issledovaniya osnovnykh ekspluatatsionnykh kharakteristik raboty klapanov porshnevykh kompressorov [Research of basic performance characteristics of valves of piston compressors]. Sciences of Europe, 2021, no. 79, vol. 1, pp. 52–55. DOI: (in Russ.).
- Kongapshev A.A., Bazheva R.Ch., Kharaev A.M. Struktura, sintez, svoystva, primenenie poliefirefirketonov [Structure, synthesis, properties, application of polyetheretherketones]. Materialy 4 regionalnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov i molodykh uchenykh “Sovremennye problemy estestvoznaniya” [Proc. 4th regional scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Modern problems of natural science”]. Grozny, 2020, pp. 33–41 (in Russ.).
- Berlin A.A., Pakhomova L.K. Polimernye matritsy dlya vysokoprochnykh armirovannykh kompozitov (obzor) [Polymer matrices for high-strength reinforced composites (review)]. Vysokomolekulyarnye soedineniya, 1990, vol. (A) 32, no. 7, pp. 1374–1382 (in Russ.).
- Voropaev V.V. Strukturno-tekhnologicheskie faktory polucheniya vysokoprochnykh ftorkompozitov [Structural and technological factors for the production of high-strength fluorocomposites]. Materialy 32 ezhegodnoy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Kompozitsionnye materialy v promyshlennosti” [Proc. 32nd annual International conference “Composite materials in industry”]. Yalta, 2012, pp. 57–65 (in Russ.).
- Kharaev A.M., Bazheva R.Ch. Poliefirketony: sintez, struktura, svoystva, primenenie (obzor) [Polyetheretherketones: synthesis, structure, properties, application (review)]. Plasticheskie massy, 2013, no. 8, pp. 13–19 (in Russ.).
- Grakovich P.N., Shelestova V.A., Serafimovich V.V. Primenenie ftoroplastovogo kompozita Fluvis v porshnevykh kompressorakh [Application of fluoroplastic composite Fluvis in reciprocating compressors]. Materialy. Tekhnologii. Instrument, 2005, no. 3, p. 33 (in Russ.).
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- Sviridov E.B., Dubovyy V.K. Kniga o polimerakh: svoystva i primenenie, istoriya i segodnyashniy den materialov na osnove vysokomolekulyarnykh soedineniy [The book about polymers: properties and applications, history and present day of materials based on high molecular weight compounds]. Arkhangelsk, Severnyy (Arkticheskiy) federalnyy universitet Publ., 2016. 392 p. (in Russ.).
- Serkova E.A., Khmelnitskiy V.V., Zastrogina O.B. Polimernye materialy dlya antifriktsionnykh pokrytiy (obzor) [Polymer materials for antifriction coatings (review)]. Proceedings of VIAM, 2021, no. 5(99), pp. 56–63. DOI: (in Russ.).
- Sirotkin O.S., Andriunina M.A., Beider E.Ya. Novye konstruktsionnye i funktsionalnye PKM na osnove termoplastov i tekhnologii ikh formovaniya [New structural and functional polymeric composite materials based on thermoplastics and their molding technology]. Aviation industry, 2012, no. 4, pp. 43–47 (in Russ.).
- Grigorev A.Ya. Vozvratno-postupatelnyy millitribometr MTU-2K7 [Reciprocating millitribometer MTU-2K7]. Friction and wear, 2014, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 664–669 (in Russ.).
- Krutko E.T., et al. Kompozitsionnyy material na osnove imidosoderzhashchego politetraftoretilena dlya tribotekhnicheskikh pokrytiy [Composite material based on imide-containing polytetrafluoroethylene for tribotechnical coatings]. Materialy 85 nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii professionalno-prepodavatelskogo sostava, nauchnykh sotrudnikov i aspirantov (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) “Tekhnologiya organicheskikh veshchestv” [Proc. 85th Scientific and technical conference of professional teaching staff, researchers and postgraduates (with international participation) “Technology of organic substances”]. Minsk, 2021, pp. 143–145 (in Russ.).
- Struk V.A., et al. Tekhnologiya tribotekhnicheskikh kompozitov na osnove politetraftoretilena [Technology of tribotechnical composites based on polytetrafluoroethylene]. Inzhenernyy vestnik, 2009, no. 1, pp. 110–116 (in Russ.).
- Grakovich P.N., et al. Uglerodnyy napolnitel dlya ftorpolimerov UVI-PKhO [Carbon filler for UVI-PKhO fluoropolymers]. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Polimernye kompozity i tribologiya (POLIKOMTRIB-2017)” [Abstracts of papers of the international scientific and technical conference “Polymer composites and tribology (POLYCOMTRIB-2017)”]. Gomel, 2017, pp. 175–176 (in Russ.).