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Algin V.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director in Science, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk

Year 2013 Issue 2 Pages 5-18
Type of article RAR Index UDK 629.113:681.3 Index BBK  

The machine unit of the mobile machine is considered as the regular mechanical system consisting of inertial-elastic and dissipative components and rigid fragments, which contain devices of variable structure (frictional elements transmission and brake subsystems, the wheels interacting with road). For the formalized description of such systems the way for formation of their universal mathematical models, which are not dependent on devices states and contain the differential, algebraic and logic equations, is offered. The method for determination of the internal torques in rigid devices in a process of the decision of the differential equations of dynamics is described. On this basis the formalistic approach to building computer models for research of mobile machine dynamics, including the models for the complex transient modes accompanied by structures changes (repeated in some cases) of mechanical system of the machine is offered.

Keywords mobile machine, machine assembly, multimass system, variable structure, elastic and rigid components, dynamic analysis
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