Title of the article |
Authors |
Kasumov R.F., Senior Lecturer, Department "Mechanics and production machines", Azerbaijan Technological University, Ganja, Azerbaijan Republic
In the section |
Year |
2014 |
Issue |
1 |
Pages |
53-56 |
Type of article |
Index UDK |
539.375 |
Index BBK |
Abstract |
The paper investigates the effect of elastic ring inclusion of foreign-native material on the stress-deformation state of the sieve plate device. In the task is considered a perforated plate, weakened by a doubly periodic system of circular holes, some of which are underpinned by resilient washers. To solve of the proposed problem obtained the system of algebraic equations and find the complex potentials representations of equations and obtained a formula for determining the pressure on the contour of the hole. |
Keywords |
stress-strain state of the perforated plate, the elastic ring inclusion |
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Bibliography |
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