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Algin V.B., Doctor of Technical Science, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2011 Issue 1 Pages 10-20
Type of article RAR Index UDK 681.3.06 Index BBK  

The traditional reliability theory deals with systems consisting of the physically depersonalized components which are described by the set of reliability indexes. Mechanical engineering operates with stresses of machine parts, and sometimes with their lifetimes. Dependences of components which take place at mechanical level are not reproduced in the traditional theory of reliability that leads to erroneous results in evaluating machine reliability. The paper presents novel approaches and techniques for calculation of machine reliability, since mechanical models and finishing by structural ones, with consideration of complicated logic of limiting states for machine components (parts, units, assemblies, and so on) and the machine as a whole. Factors, which determine typical dependences of machine components, are presented. Two approaches are offered: 1) the special approach for calculation of strongly connected components; 2) the general approach based on statistical modeling a spectrum of machine operation conditions, loading modes, damages and failures (limiting states) of components and machine as a whole. Such approaches allow considering real behavior of components in the machine and thus to compute correctly the machine reliability.


Machine, reliability, calculation, system, loaded components

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