Title of the article |
Authors |
KAMENEV Vladimir F., Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Leading Expert, The Central Research and Development Automobile and Engine Institute "NAMI", Moscow, Russia, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SHCHEGLOV Pavel A., Post-Graduate Student, Engineer, The Central Research and Development Automobile and Engine Institute "NAMI", Moscow, Russia
NADAREYSHVILI Givi G., Cand. Tech. Sc., Head of Administration, The Central Research and Development Automobile and Engine Institute "NAMI", Moscow, Russia
In the section |
Year |
2016 |
Issue |
2 |
Pages |
81-86 |
Type of article |
Index UDK |
621.43.068.5 |
Index BBK |
Abstract |
The article discusses principles of mathematical modeling of thermal and gasdynamic processes in a modern diesel engine and systems reducing the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases to the EURO5 and EURO6 requirements. Integrated system for neutralization of harmful emissions implies the presence of charge air intermediate cooling system and twoconduit regulated exhaust gas recirculation system in the diesel system. The exhaust system includes a block oxidation catalytic, a block of capture and neutralization of disperse particles with a regeneration system and a selective catalytic reduction system for the nitrogen oxides neutralization.
Keywords |
mathematical modeling, diesel engine, emission, nitrogen oxides, soot particles, oxidation catalyst DOC, particulate filter DPF, regeneration system, SCR-converter
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Bibliography |
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