Bibliography |
- Tsitovich I.S. Prognozy, poiski i rezultaty issledovanij problemnoj laboratorii avtomobilej [Forecast, search and research of the basic research laboratory of vehicles]. Sbornik statej, posvjashhennyj 50-letiju BPI [Collection of papers dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the BPI], Minsk, BPI, 1975, pp. 65-76.
- Tsitovich I.S., Algin V.B. Dinamika avtomobilja [Vehicle Dynamics]. Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 1981. 191 p.
- Algin V.B. Dinamicheskie shemy mobilnyh mashin [Dynamic circuits of mobile machines]. Minsk, INDMASh AN BSSR, 1978. 44 p.
- Algin V.B., Pavlovskiy V.Ya., Poddubko S.N. Dinamika transmissii avtomobilja i traktora [Dynamics of automobile and tractor transmission]. Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 1986. 214 p.
- Tsitovich I.S., Mitin B.E., Dzyun V.A. Nadezhnost transmissij avtomobilej i traktorov [Reliability of transmissions of automobiles and tractors]. Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 1985. 143 p.
- Tsitovich I.S. Raschety po predelnym sostojanijam valov, shesteren i podshipnikov avtomobilja [Calculations on limit states of shafts,
- gears and car bearings]. Minsk, BPI, 1960. 122 p.
- Rovdo V.I. Statisticheskie metody issledovanija nagruzok transportnyh i tjagovyh mashin. Avtoref. diss. kand. tehn. nauk [Statistical methods for investigating loads of transport and traction machines. Extended Abstract of Ph. D. Thesis]. Minsk, BPI, 1973.
- Tsitovich I.S., Kanonik I.V., Vavulo V.A. Transmissii avtomobilja [Automobile transmissions]. Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 1979. 256 p.
- GOST 27.301-83. Prognozirovanie nadezhnosti izdelij pri proektirovanii. Obshhie trebovanija [State Standart 27.301-83. Reliability in technique. Prognosis of product reliability during designing. General requirements]. Moscow, Izd-vo standartov, 1983. 42 p.
- Vavulo V.A. Raschety zubchatyh koles i podshipnikov transmissii avtomobilej: metodich. posobie po kursovomu i diplomnomu proektirovaniju [Calculations of gears and bearings of automobile transmission: Methodical manual on course and degree designing]. Minsk, Belarusian National Technical University, 1990. 65 p.
- Grishkevich A.I., Vavulo V.A., Karpov A.V. [et al.] Avtomobili: Konstrukcija, konstruirovanie i raschet. Transmissija [Cars: design, design engineering and calculation. Transmission]. Minsk, Vyshjejshaja shkola, 1985. 240 p.
- Bocharov N.F., Tsitovich I.S. [et al.] Konstruirovanie i raschet kolesnyh mashin vysokojprohodimosti: ucheb. dlja vtuzov [Design and calculation of wheel off-the-road vehicles: Textbook for technical colleges]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1983. 299 p.
- Grishkevich A.I. Proektirovanie transmissii avtomobilja [Car transmission designing]. Moscow, Mechanical engineering, 1984. 272 p.
- Tsitovich I.S., Vavulo V.A., Khval B.N. Zubchatye kolesa avtomobilej i traktorov: proektirovanie i raschet [Gear wheels of automobiles and tractors: design and calculation]. Minsk, Izdvo Min-va vyssh., srednego i prof. obrazovanija BSSR, 1962. 396 p.
- RD 50-639-87. Metodicheskie ukazanija. Raschet pokazatelej nadezhnosti. Obshhie polozhenija [Ruling Document 50-639-87. Guidelines. Calculation of reliability. General provisions]. Moscow, Izd-vo standartov, 1987.
- RD 37.001.010-83. Vybor i raschet podshipnikov kachenija avtomobilja [Ruling Document 37.001.010-83. Selection and calculation of vehicle rolling bearings]. Moscow, Minavtoprom, 1984.
- Tsitovich I.S. Osnovy sinteza planetarnyh i gidromehanicheskih peredach [Basics of synthesis of epicyclic and hydromechanical gearings]. Minsk, Izd-vo Min-va vyssh., srednego i prof. obrazovanija BSSR 1963. 44 p.
- Tsitovich I.S., Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V. Logikokombinatornyj sintez korobok peredach transportnyh sredstv [Logical-combinatorial synthesis of vehicles transmission]. Vesci AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tjehn. navuk [Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Edition of Physics and Engineering], 1984, no. 3, pp. 52-56.
- Tsitovich I.S., Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Zabironin V.V. Vybor korobok peredach kolesnyh traktorov [Selection of transmissions for wheel tractors]. Vesci AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tjehn. navuk [Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Edition of Physics and Engineering], 1984, no. 4, pp. 64-69.
- Tsitovich I.S., Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V. Analiz i sintez planetarnyh korobok peredach avtomobilej i traktorov [Analysis and synthesis of planetary gearboxes of automobiles and tractors]. Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 1987. 224 p.
- Algin V.B. Algoritm poluchenija struktur planetarnyh korobok peredach [Algorithm to obtain epicyclic gearbox structure]. Razrabotka i primenenie metodov i sredstv vychislitel’noj tehniki dlja avtomatizirovannoj obrabotki informacii [Development and application of methods and means of computer technology for automated data processing]. Minsk, 1974, pp. 63-64.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Kachurov I.V., Mikalutskiy V.K., Poddubko S.N., Rozhin V.I., Tsarev O.P., Chushenkov M.E. Transmissija transportnogo sredstva [Vehicle’s transmission]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1657798, 1988.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Kostkin O.L., Novik I.I., Poddubko S.N., Staskevich S.G. Mnogostupenchataja korobka peredach transportnogo sredstva [Multiple-speed gearbox of a vehicle]. Patent RU, no. 2091248, 1997.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Kostkin O.L., Melentsevich V.P., Poddubko S.N., Tsarev O.P., Tsitovich I.S., Scheinker I.G.
- Planetarnaja korobka peredach [Planetary gear box]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1104327, IPC F16H3/44, 1984.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Kostkin O.L., Melentsevich V.P., Poddubko S.N., Tsarev O.P., Tsitovich I.S., Scheinker I.G.
- Planetarnaja korobka peredach [Planetary gear box]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1128026, IPC F16H3/44, 1984.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Kostkin O.L., Melentsevich V.P., Poddubko S.N., Tsarev O.P., Tsitovich I.S., Scheinker I.G.,
- Mityaev A.F., Kovalev D.F. Planetarnaja korobka peredach [Planetary gear box]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1105711,
- IPC F16H3/44, 1984.
- Algin V.B., Bokovets E.N., Kuznetsov E.V. Vysokomoshhnye gidromehanicheskie peredachi: patentno-informacionnoe i raschetnoe issledovanie. Ch. 2: Korobki peredach s tremja stepenjami svobody [High-power hydromechanical transmissions: patent information and computational study. Part 2: Transmissions with three degrees of freedom]. Mehanika mashin, mehanizmov i materialov [Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials], 2015, no. 3(32), pp. 22-35.
- Algin V.B., Bokovets E.N., Kuznetsov E.V. Vysokomoshhnye gidromehanicheskie peredachi: patentno-informacionnoe i raschetnoe issledovanie. Ch. 3: Korobki peredach s tremja stepenjami svobody [High-power hydromechanical transmissions: patent information and computational study. Part 3: Transmissions with four degrees of freedom and general analysis]. Mehanika mashin, mehanizmov i materialov [Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials], 2015, no. 4(33), pp. 20-35.
- Tsitovich I.S., Algin V.B. Mnogostupenchataja korobka peredach transportnogo sredstva [Multiple-speed gearbox of a vehicle].
- Author’s certificate USSR, no. 948703, 1982.
- Algin V.B., Vysotskiy M.S., Gritskevich V.V., Evstratovskiy A.V., Poddubko S.N., Tsarev O.P., Chushyonkov M.E., Shopov V.E.
- Mnogostupenchataja korobka peredach transportnogo sredstva [Multiple-speed gear box of a vehicle]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1696324, IC В 60 К 17/06, 1991.
- Algin V.B. Dinamika, nadezhnost i resursnoe proektirovanie transmissij mobilnyh mashin [Dynamics, reliability and resource designing of mobile machines transmissions]. Minsk, Navuka I tjehnika, 1995. 256 p.
- Algin V.B., Gritskevich V.V., Poddubko S.N., Tsarev O.P., Tsitovich I.S., Algina S.A., Kalatskiy L.V., Shopov V.E. Korobka peredach [Gearbox]. Author’s certificate USSR, no. 1204413, 1986.
- Scheynin V.M., Kozlovskiy V.I. Vesovoe proektirovanie I jeffektivnost passazhirskih samoletov [Weight design and efficiency of passenger aircraft]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1984. 552 p.
- Yeger S.M. [et al.] Proektirovanie samoletov [Design of the aircraft]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1983. 616 p.