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Rekhlitski O.V., Director, OAO "Science and technology center of harvester", Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Chuprynin Ju.V., Deputy Head, Design and Research Department of Dynamics, Strength and Analytic Reliability, OAO "Scientific-Technical Center of Harvester", Gomel, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jasau D.V., Lead Design Engineer, Design and Research Department of the Dynamics, Strength and Analytic Reliability, OAO "Scientific-Technical Center of Harvester", Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Year 2014 Issue 2 Pages 23-29
Type of article RAR Index UDK 631.35 Index BBK  
Abstract The mathematical formulation of the wheel swinging mechanism of the steering axle of the harvester is given. The choice of the necessary range of the steering angles of the left and the right wheels is substantiated. The mathematical formulation of the power analysis and of the definition of the necessary pressure in hydraulic system is given. The parameters effect on rate and stability of the necessary pressure after the example of the single-cylinder and double-cylinder circuit is analyzed. The way of the preliminary choice of the circuit and the parameters of the hydraulic units according to the necessary work is proposed. The suggested mathematical formulation and the recommendations make it possible to carry out the purposeful synthesis and the rational selection of parameters of the wheel swinging mechanism of the harvester in the initial design phase.
Keywords mechanism, system, hydrocylinder, wheel, steering angles, vectorial method, vector rotation, pressure demand
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