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Zavoichinskaya Je.B., Associate Professor of the Department "Theory of Elasticity", Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2011 Issue 3 Pages 34-37
Type of article RAR Index UDK 539.4 Index BBK  

Here is presented the mathematical model described the volume microfracture of metals considering sequences of origin and grow of submicroscopic, microscopic and short cracks at complex stress state. The notions of the crack total length and the microfracture probability at the total length equal to its characteristic values are the main notions of the model. The model is based on experimental mechanical parameters of material strength and fracture. Relations for determination of origin cycles for microcracks and short cracks as a result of consecutive origin and grow of submicrocracks, submicrocracks and microcracks correspondingly are obtained.


symmetrical harmonic loading, processes of micro and macro metal destruction, submicro cracks, microcracks, short crack, brittle fracture

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