Список цитируемой литературы |
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- Высоцкий, М.С. Проектирование автотракторной техники на основе синтеза методов компьютерной механики / М.С. Высоцкий, С.В. Харитончик // Механика машин,
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- Ляхов С.В. Комплекс для исследования систем активной безопасности автомобиля / С.В. Ляхов, М.М. Белоус // Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление. — 2009. — № 5. — С. 53–57.
- Широков, Б.Н. Повышение активной безопасности АТС путем применения и совершенствования электронных систем контроля устойчивости. Ч. 1: Анализ систем контроля устойчивости / Б.Н. Широков // Механика машин, механизмов и материалов. — 2009. — № 2 (7). — С. 22–26.
- Альгин, В.Б. Общий контроль над динамикой движения автомобиля на основе электронных систем контроля устойчивости: мировые тенденции / В.Б. Альгин, Д.Ю. Савицкий, В.М. Сорочан // Механика машин, механизмов и материалов. — 2010. — № 2 (11). — С. 34–38.
- Paine, Michael Electronic stability control: review of research and regulations / Michael Paine; Vehicle Design and Research Pty Limited for roads and traffic authority of NSW. — 2005. — 30 p. — Mode of acess: http://www.chooseesc.eu/download/studies/paine_esc_tests.pdf.
- Garrick, J. Nhtsa’s light vehicle handling and ESC effectiveness research program / J. Garrick. — Transportation Research Center, Inc. United States Paper Number 0550221. — 16 p. — Mode of acess: http://www.nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-01/esv/esv19/05-0221-O.pdf).
- Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Electronic Stability Control Systems. Department of transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49 CFR Parts 571 and 585 [Docket No. NHTSA-2006-25801] RIN: 2127-AJ77. — P. 132. — Mode of acess: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/staticfiles/DOT/NHTSA/Rulemaking/Rules/Associated Files/ESC_NPRM.pdf.
- Electronic Stability Control Systems. Final Regulatory impact analysis: FMVSS № 126. — Office of Regulatory Analysis and Evaluation National Center for Statistics and Analysis. — March, 2007. — 169 p.
- Technical Report No. EB 134.1 E for Trailer EBS D generation with Roll Stability support (RSS). — WABCO, 2002. — P. 21.
- Haldane, Mandy. Assessing the Impacts of Multi-Combination Vehicles on Traffic Operations and Safety / Mandy Haldane. — Queensland Government Department of Main Roads. — P. 143. — Mode of acess: http://www.eprints.qut.edu.au/7845/1/7845.pdf.
- Steering robots from Anthony best dynamics. — P. 2. — Mode of acess: http://www.measure.com.au/vehicle_dynamics_and_mapping/in_vehicle_robots/Steering Robot Brochure.pdf.
- Hans Prem, Euan Ramsay, John de Pont, Dr John McLean, John Woodrooffe. Comparison of modelling systems for performance-based assessments of heavy vehicles. (Performance Based Standards NRTC/Austroads Project A3 and A4). Working Paper. — October 2001. — P. 109. — Mode of acess: http://www.ntc.gov.au/filemedia/Reports /ComparisonModellingSystemsPerfor.doc.
- CarSim Educational User Manual. Version 4.5 // Mechanical Simulation Corporation. — 2000. — 336 p. — Mode of acess: http://www.trucksim.com.