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Sosnovsky L.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of "Structural mechanics", Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel, Republic of Belarus,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kozik A.N., Chief Engineer of OAO "Gomeltransneft Druzhba", Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Year 2011 Issue 3 Pages 49-53
Type of article RAR Index UDK 539.43;620.16+621.644→622.692.4 Index BBK  

It is developed two private variants of the known generalised theory of limiting conditions of tribofatigue systems: 1) for corrosion conditions energised and 2) taking into account influence of parametres of a stream of oil. According to the first model, the limiting condition of a material (by criteria of static durability or resistance of weariness) is estimated under orresponding characteristic of mechanical properties in air (strength at a stretching, an endurance limit) taking into account influence of speed of corrosion energised in the given environment. The following general law of corrosionmechanical durability is formulated: product of operating normal pressure on function of corrosion influence is size a constant for the given material in various conditions loading. On the basis of this law logarithmic function of damageability of petrowire pipes depending on operation time is constructed, according to which oil pipeline "Druzhba" pipes can be maintained safely more than 2 terms of amortisation. This conclusion is confirmed by practical operation of a linear part of oil pipeline "Druzhba". The second model essentially differs that for the first time allows to estimate the contribution of nearwall friction at movement of a stream of oil on a pipe under pressure upon change of resistance of metal of corrosionmechanical weariness.


tribo-fatigue system, corrosion damage, corrosion-mechanical strength

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