Title of the article



Zhuravkov M.A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the section  
Year 2010 Issue 2 Pages 53-59
Type of article RAR Index UDK 531(075) Index BBK  

The article discusses the main directions of research carried out by the Belarusian State University, in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


continuum mechanics

  • Zhuravkov M.A., Smychnik A.D. Proektirovanie geomonitoringovyh sistem dlja regionov krupnomasshtabnogo osvoenija podzemnogo prostranstva [Design of geomonitoring systems for large-scale development of underground space regions]. Minsk, BelABZh Publ., 1997. 189 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Al'-Momani H.R., Shherba V.Ya. Proektirovanie sistem soprjazhennogo geojekologicheskogo monitoringa. Sistemnaja organizacija soprjazhennogo geojekologicheskogo monitoring [Design of the dual environmental monitoring. System organization of the dual environmental monitoring]. Minsk, Vysh. shk., 2003. 288 p.
  • Vidjakin V.V., Zhuravkov M.A., Konovalov O.L. GIS-tehnologiipridobychepoleznyhiskopaemyh. Specializirovannaja korporativnaja geoinformacionnaja sistema «MapManager» [GIS technology during mining. Specialized corporate geoinformation system «MapManager»]. Minsk, BSU, 2004. 208 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Konovalov O.L., Slavashevich S.I. Avtomatizirovannaja sistema geomehanicheskogo obespechenija gornyh rabot dlja mestorozhdenij kalijnyh solej Respubliki Belarus' [Automated system of geomechanical providing of mining operations for potash deposits of the Republic of Belarus]. Minsk, BSU, 2006. 67p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Martynenko M.D. Teoreticheskie osnovy deformacionnoj mehaniki blochno-sloistogo massiva soljanyh gornyh porod [Theoretical foundations of deformational mechanics of block-layered array of salt rock]. Minsk, BSU, 1995. 255 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie deformacionnyh processov v tverdyh deformiruemyh sredah (na primere zadach mehaniki gornyh porod i massivov) [Mathematical modeling of deformation processes in solid deformable media (for example, mechanics of rocks and arrays)]. Minsk, BSU, 2002. 456 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Stagurova O.V., Kovaleva M.A. Geomehanicheskij monitoring gornyh massivov [Geomechanical monitoring of mountain ranges]. Minsk, Junikap, 2002. 252 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. Fundamental'nye reshenija teorii uprugosti i nekotorye ih primenenija v geomehanike, mehanike gruntov i osnovanij [Fundamental solutions of elasticity theory and some of their applications in geomechanics, soil mechanics and foundations]. Minsk, BSU, 2008. 247 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Zubovich V.S. Ustojchivost' i sdvizhenie massivov gornyh porod [Stability and displacement of rock masses]. Moscow, RUDN, 2009. 432 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. [et al]. Komp'juternoe modelirovanie v geomehanike [Computer modeling in geomechanics]. Minsk, BSU, 2008. 443 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Pleskachevskij Ju.M. Upravlenie deformirovaniem i razrusheniem deformiruemyh tverdyh tel vozdejstviem voln deformacij [Deformation and destruction of deformable solids manage due to the strain waves]. Ves. Nac. akad. nauk Belarusi. Ser. fiz-teh. nauk [Herald of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of physical-technical sciences], 2007, no. 11.
  • Bosjakov S.M., Zhuravkov M.A. Rasprostranenie prostyh dvumernyh voln v uprugoplasticheskom poluprostranstve [Distribution of simple two-dimensional waves in elastic-half]. Mashinostroenie [Mechanical engineering], 2006, no. 22, pp. 163-164.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. [et al]. Prochnost' i razrushenie deformiruemyh sred pri vozdejstvii dinamicheskih nagruzok [The strength and fracture of deformable environments under dynamic stress]. Mehanika materialov i konstrukcij [Mechanics of materials and structures], 2008, no. 3, pp. 35-43.
  • Bosjakov S.M., Bosjakov S.M., Skljar O.N. Metod harakteristik v mehanike sploshnyh sred [The method of characteristics in continuum mechanics]. Minsk, BSU, 2009. 215 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. Sovremennye informacionnye tehnologii pri dobyche poleznyh iskopaemyh: materialy nauch.-prakt. seminara-soveshhanija [Modern information technologies in mining: materials of scientific-practical seminar-meeting]. Minsk, BSU, 2004. 350 p.
  • Gromyko O.V. Raschet reguljarnyh fermennyh konstrukcij po kontinual'noj sheme [Calculation of regular truss structures for continual scheme]. Minsk, BSU, 2004. 192 p.
  • Gromyko A.O. [et al.]. Mehanika sploshnoj sredy. Krivolinejnye brus'ja, plastiny i obolochki [Continuum mechanics. Curved beams, plates and shells]. Minsk, BSU, 2005. 364 p.
  • Gljakov S.A. [et al.]. Komp'juternaja mehanika. Dinamicheskij i kinematicheskij analiz mehanicheskih sistem [Computer mechanics. Dynamic and kinematic analysis of mechanical systems]. Minsk, BSU, 2006. 375 p.
  • Bosjakov S.M., Zhuravkov M.A., Medvedev D.G. Primenenie paketa rasshirenija Structural Mechanics komp'juternoj sistemy Mathematica pri reshenii zadach teoreticheskoj mehaniki, soprotivlenija materialov i teorii uprugosti: ucheb.-metod. posobie: v 4 ch. [Application expansion pack Structural Mechanics Mathematics computer system for solving problems in theoretical mechanics, strength of materials and elasticity theory: teaching aid in 4 parts]. Minsk, BSU, 2005. 89 p.
  • Mihasev G.I., Ermochenko S.A., Petrova L.G. Raschet naprjazhenno-deformirovannogo sostojanija srednego uha pri ego total'noj rekonstrukcii s uchetom vlijanija ostatkov timpanal'noj membrany [Calculation of stress-strain state of the middle ear during its total renovation, with the influence of the tympanic membrane residues]. Ros. zhurnal biomehaniki [Russian journal of biomechanics], 2008, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 24-37.
  • Mikhasev G., Ermochenko S., Bornitz M. On the strain-stress state of the reconstructed middle ear after inserting a malleus-incus prosthesis. Mathematical medicine and biology, 2009, pp. 1-24.
  • Mihasev G.I. Staticheskaja model' srednego uha, podvergnutogo rekonstrukcii s ispol'zovaniem tehnologii timpanoplastiki «large island» [Static model of middle ear subjected to tympanoplasty with reconstruction technology "large island"]. Mehanika mashin, mehanizmov i materialov [Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials], 2009, no. 3, pp. 86-90.
  • Mihasev G.I., Firsov M.A., Sitnikov V.P. Modelirovanie svobodnyh kolebanij zvukoprovodjashhej sistemy rekonstruirovannogo srednego uha [Simulation of free oscillations of sound-conducting system of the reconstructed middle ear]. Ros. zhurnal biomehaniki [Russian journal of biomechanics], 2005, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 52-62.
  • Chirkin A.A., Mihasev G.I., Markova L.V. Bioupravlenie — put' k optimizacii ul'trazvukovoj terapii [Biofeedback - a way to optimize the ultrasonic therapy], 2006, vol. 5, pp. 201-222.
  • Avdoschka I.V., Mihasev G.I. Vlijanie vjazkosti ortotropnoj stenki arterii na rasprostranenie pul'sovoj volny [The effect of viscosity orthotropic wall of the artery pulse wave]. Mehanika mashin, mehanizmov i materialov [Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials], 2008, no. 2, pp. 91-94.
  • Naumovich S.A., [et al.]. Biomehanika sistemy «zub — periodont — kostnaja tkan' [Biomechanics system "tooth - periodontium - bone"]. Minsk, BSMU, 2009. 279 p.
  • Bosyakov S.M., Ivashenko S.V. Analiz vlijanija atrofii kostnoj tkani na zhestkosti periodonta pri postupatel'nyh peremeshhenijah i povorotah kornej zubov [Analysis of the impact of bone tissue atrophy on periodontal stiffness during the translational displacements and rotations of the roots of teeth]. Medicinskij zhurnal [Medical journal], 2009, no. 3, pp. 101-105.
  • Dosta A.N., Bosyakov S.M., Yurkevich K.S. Komp'juternyj analiz naprjazhenno-deformirovannogo sostojanija ortodonticheskogo apparata [Computer analysis of the stress-strain state of orthodontic appliance]. Teoretich. i prikladnaja mehanika [Theoretical and applied mechanics], 2008, no. 23, pp. 18-23.
  • Vjar'vil'skaja O.N. [et al.]. Robototehnika. Kinematika i dinamika manipuljatorov [Robotics. The kinematics and dynamics of manipulators]. Minsk, BSU, 2010. 280 p.
  • Sosnovskiy L.A., Sherbakov S.S. Surprise of tribo-farigue. Minsk, Magic Book, 2009. 221 p.
  • Zhuravkov M.A., Shherbakov S.S., Sosnovskij L.A. Primenenie metodologii mehaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela v tribofatike [Applying the methodology of solid mechanics in Tribo-Fatigue]. Metodi rozv’jazuvannja prikladnih zadach mehaniki deformivnogo tverdogo tila: zb. navuk. prac' [Methods solutions applied mechanics problems deformed solid state: collections of the scientific works], 2009, no.10, pp. 116-122.
  • Zhuravkov M.A. Mehaniko-matematicheskij fakul'tet. Vchera, segodnja, zavtra. K 50-letiju so dnja obrazovanij [Mechanics and mathematics faculty. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. On the 50th anniversary of the formation]. Minsk, BSU, 2008. 224 p.