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BLOKHIN Aleksandr N., Ph. D. in Eng., Associate Professor of the Department “Automobiles and Tractors”, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R.E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2017 Issue 1 Pages 93–100
Type of article RAR Index UDK 629.114.012:УДК 629.114.6:629.114.5 Index BBK  

The paper presents the cooperative development of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R.E. Alekseev, KOM Groups and the Central research and development automobile and engine institute NAMI in the field of intelligent automatic mechanical multistage transmissions developed in the period 2008–2016. The paper shows basic parameters of the developed transmissions and automatic clutch control mechanism. The article describes design solutions of the developed transmissions. It considers the scheme of multistage transmission control system. It presents special stand for testing transmissions with automatic and command control, manufactured in the NNSTU n. a. R.E. Alekseev. The article contains the results of experimental research performed both on the test stand and on the road on the vehicle KAMAZ-65117.


gearbox, transmissions, automatic mechanical transmissions, automatic control

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  • Blokhin А. The Automatic Control System of the Multistage Manual Transmission. Proc. 2015 Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics and Mechatronics “AER — Advances in Engineering Research”. Vol. 34, pp. 147–151.
  • Blokhin A., Barakhtanov L., Koshurina A., Taratorkin A., Lubichev P. Research of the Friction Clutch Automatic Control Performance at the Stand. Proc. 2015 Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics and Mechatronics “AER — Advances in Engineering
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  • Blokhin A., Barakhtanov L., Nedyalkov A., Koshurina A., Taratorkin A. Standard Series of Multispeed Mechanical Transmissions with Automatic Control for Advanced Trucks. Proc. 2015 Int. Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial
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    . Vol. 33, pp. 123–128.
  • Blokhin A., Kropp A., Barakhtanov L., Taratorkin A., Koshurina A. The Study of the Automatic Manual Truck Transmission Clutch Performance. Proc. 2015 Int. Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Application “AER — Advances in Engineering Research”. Vol. 33, pp. 65–68.
  • Blokhin A., Mankovsky V., Kropp A.. The study of the automatic manual truck transmission clutch performance. Proc. 2015 Int. Conf. on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering “AER — Advances in Engineering Research”. Vol. 13, pp. 421–424.
  • Blokhin A., Denisenko E., Kropp A., Nedyalkov A. The Study of the Synchronization Process in the Gearbox with Automatic Control. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 763(2015), pp. 71–77.
  • Blokhin A., Dobryaev S., Plekhov A., Titov V. Electromechanical Complex of Test Loading Stand of Multistage Transmissions with Automatic Control. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 763(2015), pp. 78–85.
  • Blokhin A., Tumasov A., Nedyalkov A., Mankovsky V. Perspective dimension-types range of mechanical multiplespeed gearboxes with automatic control system. Proc. 2012 Int. Conf. on Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Integration. Changchun, 2012, pp. 480–484.
  • Nedyalkov A.P., Blokhin A.N., Tumreev V.Ju. Tiporazmernyj rjad perspektivnyh unificirovannyh sinhronizirovannyh mnogostupenchatyh korobok peredach s avtomatizirovannym upravleniem [Standard series of advanced unified synchronized
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  • Blokhin A.N., Mankovsky V.V, Nedyalkov A.P. Innovacionnye korobki peredach “KOM-NAMI” s mehanicheskim i avtomatizirovannym upravleniem [Innovative “KOM-NAMI” gear boxes with mechanical and automatic control]. Nauka i Obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie: [Science and Education: an electronic science and technology publication], 2011, no. 9. Available at:
  • Blokhin A.N., Nedyalkov A.P., Kropp A.E. Rezultaty stendovyh ispytanij shestnadcati stupenchatoj korobki peredach s avtomaticheskim upravleniem [The results of bench tests of sixteen speed gear box with automatic control]. Nauka i Obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie: [Science and Education: an electronic science and technology publication], 2013, no. 12. Available at:
  • Blokhin A.N., Nedyalkov A.P., Tumasov A.V., Noskov A.M. Rezultaty raschetno-jeksperimentalnyh issledovanij rabotosposobnosti mnogostupenchatoj mehanicheskoj korobki peredach s avtomaticheskim upravleniem [The results of computational
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  • Blokhin A.N., Nedyalkov A.P. Razrabotka i ocenka rabotosposobnosti jelektropnevmaticheskogo mehanizma upravlenija scepleniem transportnogo sredstva [Development and evaluation of performance of electro-pneumatic vehicle’s clutch control mechanism]. Materialy ХХХХIV Vserossijskogo simpoziuma, posvjashhennogo 90-letiju so dnja rozhdenija akademika V.P. Makeeva “Mehanika i processy upravlenija” [Proc. ХХХХIV All-Russian Symp. on the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.P. Makeev “Mechanics and control processes”], Moscow, 2014, pp. 51–62.
  • Blokhin A.N. Modelirovanie processa upravlenija scepleniem mnogostupenchatoj transmissii s pnevmoprivodom [Modeling of a clutch control process of multi-stage gear box with pneumatic drive]. Trudy OIM NAN Belarusi “Aktualnye voprosy mashinovedenija: cb. nauch. tr.” [Proc. of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus “Topical Issues of Mechanical Engineering: collection of scientific articles”], Minsk, 2014, pp. 139–143.
  • Nedyalkov A.P., Blokhin A.N. Primenenie operezhajushhih tehnicheskih reshenij pri sozdanii mehanicheskih stupenchatyh korobok peredach s avtomatizirovannym upravleniem [The use of advanced technical solutions when creating a mechanical
    stepped gearbox with automatic control]. Nauka i Obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie: [Science and Education: an electronic science and technology publication], 2011, no. 2. Available at:
  • Nedyalkov A.P., Alexandrov E.B., Blokhin A.N. Analiticheskoe issledovanie variantov kinematicheskih shem planetarnyh demultiplikatorov mnogostupenchatyh korobok peredach i vybor optimal’nyh parametrov planetarnogo mehanizma [Analytical study of variants of kinematic schemes of planetary demultiplicators of multistage gear boxes and a optimum parameters selection of the planetary gear]. Vestnik IzhGTU [News of the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University], 2011, no. 2(50), pp. 39–43.