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KALINOUSKI Аliaksandr А., M. Sc. in Eng., Leading Design Engineer, Scientific and Technical Centre of Combine Harvesters Manufacturing OJSC “Gomselmash”, Gomel, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year 2024
Issue 2(67)
Pages 53–60
Type of article RAR
Index UDK 631.354.2.076, 532.5
Abstract The paper presents the methodology of modelling air flows in the flow area of the air-screen cleaning system of a combine harvester in two-dimensional formulation. Recommendations are given on parameters adjustment of the computational fluid dynamics software package Ansys Fluent. An example is provided on aerodynamic calculation of cleaning system two-dimensional model. According to the estimation of the results of experimental studies and modelling, the error was not more than 10 %. Recommendations are formulated on the cleaning system design to obtain uniform airflow across its width. The application of this methodology makes it possible to carry out the model calculation on a personal computer without using clusters or high-performance servers. The obtained results will be subsequently used in further research of the combine harvester cleaning system.
Keywords cleaning system, flow area, 2D modelling, air flows, harvester
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