Bibliography |
- Pleskachevsky Yu.M., Starovoitov E.I., Yarovaya A.V. Dinamika metallopolimernykh sistem [Dynamics of metal polymer systems]. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2004. 385 p. (in Russ.).
- Gorshkov A.G., Starovoitov E.I., Yarovaya A.V. Mekhanika sloistykh vyazkouprugoplasticheskikh elementov konstruktsiy [Mechanics of layered viscoelastic-plastic structural elements]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2005. 576 p. (in Russ).
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- Zhuravkov M., Lyu Y., Starovoitov E. Mechanics of solid deformable body. Singapore, Springer Verlag, 2023. 317 p. DOI:
- Abdusattarov A., Starovoitov E.I., Ruzieva N.B. Deformirovanie i povrezhdaemost uprugoplasticheskikh elementov konstruktsiy pri tsiklicheskikh nagruzheniyakh [Deformation and damage of elastic-plastic structural elements under cyclic loads]. Tashkent, Ideal Press, 2023. 381 p. (in Russ.).
- Starovoitov E.I., Shafieva Yu.V., Nesterovich A.V., Kozel A.G. Deformirovanie trekhsloynykh plastin pri termosilovykh nagruzkakh [Deformation of three-layer plates under thermal force loads]. Gomel, Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet transporta Publ., 2024. 395 p. (in Russ.).
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- Starovoitov E.I., Leonenko D.V. Issledovanie spektra chastot trekhsloynoy tsilindricheskoy obolochki s uprugim napolnitelem [Investigation of the frequency spectrum of a threelayered cylindrical shell with an elastic filler]. Mechanics of composite materials and structures, 2015, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 162–169 (in Russ.).
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- Leonenko D.V., Markova M.V. Kolebaniya krugovoy trekhsloynoy stupenchatoy plastiny pri udarnom periodicheskom vozdeystvii [Vibrations of a three-layer circular step plate under periodic impact]. Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and materials, 2022, no. 3(60), pp. 68–76. DOI: (in Russ.).
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- Starovoitov E.I., Pleskachevskii Yu.M., Leonenko D.V., Tarlakovskii D.V. Deformation of a step composite beam in a temperature field. Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics, 2015, vol. 88, iss. 4, pp. 1023–1029. DOI:
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