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Authors Ghulghazaryan L.G., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Officer of the Institute of Mechanics of the NAS of Armenia, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovian, Yerevan, Armenia
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Year 2013 Issue 4 Pages 20-26
Type of article RAR Index UDK 539.3 Index BBK  

Basing on the equations of three-dimensional problem of elasticity theory, asymptotic solutions of non-classical boundary value problems of natural vibrations of orthotropic shells in the presence of viscous internal resistance are obtained, when the top front surface of the shell is given with two choices of spatial boundary conditions, and a displacement vector is given at the bottom surface. The characteristic equations for the determination of natural frequencies are derived. Functions of boundary layer type and characteristic equations for detecting the speed of boundary layer vibrations damping from the edge surface into the shell are obtained.

Keywords asymptotic method, natural frequencies, viscous resistance, boundary layer
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